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Nasal necrosis

Nasal necrosis or blackening of the nose after surgery depends on the size of the necrotic tissue. Spot necrosis causes less damage, but if the

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ورم بینی

Swelling after rhinoplasty

Swelling after rhinoplasty After rhinoplasty, the nose becomes swollen due to manipulation of the skin, bones and cartilage of the nose and inflammation of the

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What is septoplasty? The septum is the wall of bone and cartilage that divides your nose into two separate nostrils. A deviated septum occurs when

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جراحی بینی فانتزی

Fantasy Nose Surgery

Which model of nose is suitable for you? Natural or Fantasy Nose ? One of the major concerns of preoperative rhinoplasty applicants is the choice

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عمل بینی

Postoperative care

1- After the surgery and transferring the patient from the operating room to the ward, use an ice bag on the nose and under the

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عمل بینی

Preoperative care

Avoid taking any unnecessary medication two weeks before surgery. Take medications like aspirin, brofen, vitamin E two weeks before surgery. If you are taking a

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